Directors Project Alumni

A Community For Directors Since 1982
Amber Gray in the original Broadway production of Hadestown, directed by Drama League Alum Rachel Chavkin. Photo: Matthew Murphy.

Since 1982, The Drama League Directors Project has supported the development of stage, film and television directors with fellowships, residencies, assistantships, production opportunities, and international exchanges. Drama League alumni have received 10 Tony Awards, 30 Tony Award Nominations , 28 Obie Awards, 7 Lortel Awards, and multiple Oscar, Emmy, Golden Globe, Peabody, Drama Desk, Outer Critics, Jefferson, Drama-Logue, Helen Hayes, NAACP, GLAAD and Princess Grace nominations and awards, among other honors. Over 100 of them are Artistic Leaders of theaters and production companies across the United States, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Collectively directing approximately 1,000 productions each season, Drama League alumni work in every aspect of the arts sector. This is not an exhaustive list.

Drama League Fellowships

Tom Abernathy (1992)

Hilary Adams (2005)

Knud Adams (2012)

ZoĂ« Adams (2024)

May Adrales (2002)

NJ Agwuna (2019, 2022)

Zi Alikhan (2014)

Gregory Allen (2000)

Jessie Allen (1990)

Michael Alltop (1997; 2000)

HĂ©ctor Alvarez (2023)

Michael Alvarez (2017)

Cristina Angeles (2020)

Matthew Arbour (2003)

Arin Arbus (2006; 2024)

Christopher Ashley (1987)

Corey Atkins (2008)

Mathew August (1999; 2000)

Richard Aven (1987)

Chrisitian Avila (2021)

Christian Bakalov (2019)

Daniel Banks (1994; 1997)

Michael Barakiva (2001; 2013)

Sherri Eden Barber (2009)

Robert Barrie (1997; 1998)

Randy Baruh (2001)

Sivan Battat (2021)

Jessica Bauman (1989; 1997)

Ellen Beckerman (2001)

Jake Beckhard (2018)

Paul Bedard (2015)

Elizabeth Bell-Haynes (1988; 1998)

Roger Benington (2001)

Melia Bensussen (1986)

Jackie Berger (1996)

Britt Berke (2024)

Dan Berman (1988)

Tracy Bersley (2001)

Jeremy Bloom (2010)

Chadwick Boseman (2000)

Laura Brandel (2017)

Laura Braza (2011)

Brooke Brod (2002; 2004)

Mark Brokaw (1986)

Hal Brooks (2003)

Tyrone Brown (2010)

Dexter Bullard (1996)

James Bundy (1995)

Mary Kate Burke (2003)

Traci Burwitz (1993)

Shelley Butler (2004)

Joe Calarco (1995)

Kaia Calhoun (1995)

Carolyn Cantor (1999)

Mary Elizabeth Carlin (1989; 1990)

Tatyana-Marie Carlo (2021)

Liz Carlson (2013)

Jillian Carucci (2017)

Jaime Castaneda (2006; 2024)

Jennifer Chang (2018)

David F. Chapman (2009)

Rachel Chavkin (2004; 2013)

Kate Cherry (1994)

Desdemona Chiang (2011; 2020; 2024)

Amy Claussen (2012)

Marya Cohn (1989)

Tioni (McCoy) Collins (2001)

Peter Cook (2006)

Cat Cooper

Shana Cooper (2004)

Andrew Coopman (2022)

Tom Costello (2017)

Melissa Crespo (2014)

Heath Cullens (2002)

R.J. Cutler (1984)

Wendy Dann (2001) 

Robert Davenport (1997)

Angel David (2003)

Sarah Davie (1997)

Dan Day (1995)

Steve Day (2009)

Val Day (1992)

Lear deBessonet (2004)

Tommy DeFrantz (1993; 1997)

Jim Demonic

Emma Denson (2024)

Snehal Desai (2011)

Will Detlefsen (2013)

Stefan Dezil (2024)

Andrew Dickey (1998)

Matt Dickson (2017)

Rachel Dickstein (1994; 1997)

Stephen DiMenna (1996)

Dimitar Ivanov Dimitrov (2013)

Vesselin Dimov (2012; 2013)

John Michael DiResta (2013)

Ryan Dobrin (2021)

Jude Domski (1997)

Mike Donahue (2009)

Imani Douglas* (1987)

Laura Downing-Lee (1991)

Allison Dubin (1996)

Alec Duffy (2003; 2005)

Deanna Duplechain (1997)

Reena Dutt (2021)

Anne Justine D’Zmura (1997)

Matthew Earnest (1996)

Ari Edelson (2001)

Noa Egozi (2016)

Tara Elliott (2018)

Justin Emeka (2017, 2022)

Abby Epstein (1997)

Joy Brooke Fairfield (2010)

EstefanĂ­a Fadul (2015)

Drew Feldman (2016)

Robb Fessler (1994)

Ernest Figueroa (2001)

Hayley Finn (2004)

Tamara E. Fisch (2007)

Carl Forsman (2000)

Lydia Fort (2008)

June Fortunato (1990)

Neal J. Freeman (2010)

Stephen Brown-Fried (2004)

Amanda Friou (2011)

Oeyvind Froeyland (1993)

Lyam B. Gabel (2017)

Rafael Gallegos (2010)

Michael John GarcĂ©s (1998)

Julia Garnett (1987)

Jackson Gay (2002)

Jesse Geiger (2009)

Gyorgi Georgiev-Antika (2013)

Maria Gillen (1988)

Stephanie Gilman (2004)

Amy Glazer (1999)

Charles Goforth (2000)

Sam Gold (2002)

Raz Golden (2019)

Michael Goldfried (2005)

Lisa Goldsmith (1993)

Elizabeth Gorla (1989)

Shana Gozansky (2012)

Erica Gould (1990; 1997)

Wes Grantom (2008)

Loretta Greco (1999)

Morgan Green (2024)

Nadia Guevara (2022)

Jasmine B. Gunter (2021)

Laura Hackman (2000)

Kyle Haden (2018)

Nolan Haims (2002)

Julie Hamberg (2001)

Dana Harrel (2001)

Brian Herrera (1990)

Signe V. Harriday (2020)

Emily Hartford (2022)

Ellie Heyman (2014)

Cara Hinh (2021)

Rebecca Holderness (1990; 2002-03)

Sara Holdren (2016)

Taylor Haven Holt (2020)

Karl Michael Iglesias (2024)

Chika V. Ike (2019)

Adam Immerwahr (2008)

Ed Sylvanus Iskandar (2009)

Brandon Ivie (2013)

Lavina Jadhwani (2014)

Myeongsik Jason Jang (2018)

Kemar Jewel (2018)

Annette Jolles (1991)

Candis C. Jones (2016)

Jesse Jou (2012)

Jess Jung (2012)

Anne Kauffman (1996)

Swaine Kaui (2012)

Sonoko Kawahara (1999)

Lauren Keating (2008; 2013; 2024)

Alex Keegan (2023)

Gregory Keller (1993)

Laura Kepley (2008)

David Kennedy (1995; 2002)

Nancy Keystone (1988)

Varun Khanna (1992)

Damon Kiely (2000)

Melissa Kievman (1995)

Seonjae Kim (2018)

Brian Klaas* (1993)

Yavor Kostov (2016)

Terry Knickerbocker (1986)

Boyan Kracholov (2018)

Portia Krieger (2007)

Daniel Kramer (1999)

Itamar Kubovy (1989)

Aneesha Kudtarkar (2015)

Flordelino Lagundino (2017)

Mahayana Landowne (1999)

Preston Lane (1986)

Ismael Lara, Jr. (2019)

Mu Larsen (Tomlinson) (1998)

Antoinette LaVecchia (2000)

Oren Lavie (2002)

John Lawler (1996)

Jorge Ledesma (1993)

Margaret Lee (2018)

Tim Lee (2002)

Michael Leibenluft (2014)

Kristopher Lencowski (2011)

David Levine (2003; 2006)

Yueh-Yeh Li (2018)

Padraic Lillis (1992)

Alexander Lippard (1998)

Ben Lipton* (1990)

Lorna Littleway (1996-98; 2000)

Mark Lonergan (2011)

James Lopata (1989)

Ivey Lowe (2018)

Claire Lundberg (2002)

Katie Lupica (2016)

Emily Lyon (2015)

Gwynn MacDonald (2005)

Pam MacKinnon (1998)

Nigel Maister (1994)

Maggie Mancinelli-Cahill (1990)

Abigail Marateck (2005)

George Marcincavage (1991)

Heidi Marshall (1995)

Rebecca Martinez (2017)

Rebecca Marzalek-Kelly (2019)

Irvin Mason, Jr. (2024)

Raphael Massie (2013)

Michael Mayer (1989)

Davis McCallum (2001)

Gilbert McCauley (1985)

Jess McLeod (2024)

Meredith McDonough (2006)

Johanna McKeon (2002)

John-Michael McNew (1993)

BT McNicholl (1997)

Amanda McRaven (2019)

Adam Melnick (2000-2001)

David Mendizábal (2012)

Aimée K. Michel (1990)

Alexandru Mihail (2013)

Shira Milikowsky (2008)

Robert Milazzo (1996)

Cat Miller (2012)

David Miller (1999)

Marie-Louise Miller (1998; 2000)

Judy Minor (1992)

Jon Mintz (1989)

Isis Misdary (2001)

Edward Morgan (1988)

Kevin Moriarty (1994)

Dave Mowers (1999)

Shakina Nayfack (2011)

Lila Neugebauer (2010)

Gail Noppe-Brandon (1995)

Christopher Nùñez (2018)

Brooke O’Harra (2004)

Lily James Olds (2011)

Keenan Tyler Oliphant (2021)

Michael Osinski (2014)

Ibi Owolabi (2022)

James Dean Palmer (2016)

Brandon Pape (2009)

Susan Park (1993)

Leland Patton (1996)

Diane Paulus (1997; 1998)

Chantal Pavageaux (2011; 2013)

Katie Pearl (2000)

Lindsey Hope Pearlman (2019)

Jim Peck (1991)

Michael Perlman (2007)

Margarett Perry (1990)

Michael Petshaft (1989)

Tony Phelan (1987)

Clayton Phillips (1999)

Kate Pines-Kirschner (2007)

Nicholas Polonio (2021)

Lisa Portes (1992; 1997)

Nick Potenzieri (2010)

Kate Powers (1992)

Rob Press (1993)

Tom Prewitt* (1986)

Louisa Proske (2013)

Jesca Prudencio (2016)

Ryan Purcell (2010)

C.J. Racinski (1996)

Brad Raimondo (2015)

Jean Randich (1998; 2000)

Ben Villegas Randle (2019)

John Rando (1992)

Sarah Rasmussen (2005)

Alice Reagan (2008)

Jamila Reddy (2013)

Austin Regan (2015)

Cara Reichel (2004)

Angela Rhodes (1996)

D. Wambui Richardson (2007)

Daniel Rigazzi (2007)

Tlaloc Rivas (2001)

Cait Robinson (2020)

Dan Rogers (2015)

Chazz Rose (1993)

Lisa Rothe (2000)

Alyse Rothman (2003)

Mia Rovegno (2009)

Tom Rowan (1998)

Pesha Rudnick (2005)

Eric Ruffin (1999)

Jerry Ruiz (2008)

John Ruocco (1992)

Hannah Ryan (2014)

Debbie Saivetz (1991)

Laurie Sales (2004; 2006)

Margie Salvante (1991)

Samantha Saltzman (2013)

Noel Salzman (1994; 1997)

KJ Sanchez (2002)

Christine Sang (1997)

Lane Savadove (1998; 2013)

Laura Savia (2009)

Kholoud Sawaf (2017)

Wesley Savick (1985)

Beth Ann Schachter (1989)

Mark Schneider (2000)

Logan Gabrielle Schulman (2022)

Joanie Schultz (2007)

Jon Schumacher (2000; 2002)

Michael Sexton (1991)

Ted Shaffner (1997; 1998)

Ann Marie Shanahan (1995)

Danny Sharron (2013; 2024)

Lanise Antoine Shelley (2021)

Syd Sidner (1992)

Jonathan Silverstein (2003)

Michael Silverstone (2006)

Stepan Simek (1996)

Elyse Singer (2001)

Yordan Slaveykov (2013)

David Snider (2001)

Randall Sommer (1993)

Delicia Turner Sonnenberg (1998)

EJ Soto (2023)

Jason Southerland (1993)

Allison Stockman (1998)

Teya Sugareva (2014)

Caitlin Sullivan (2014)

Christine Sumption (1985)

Rebecca Taichman (2000)

Daniel Talbott (2002)

Michelle Tattenbaum (2003)

Linnet Taylor (2002)

Sanaz B. Tennent (2010; 2013)

Beatrice Terry* (2004)

Tai Thompson (2019)

Alex Timbers (2005)

Annie Tippe (2015)

Ilana Ransom Toeplitz (2016)

Alex Torra (2006)

Patrick Torres (2003)

Chloe Treat (2016)

Sebastian Trainor (2001)

GT Upchurch (2006; 2007)

Shaun Patrick Tubbs (2016)

Rob Urbinati (1999; 1997; 2001)

Daniela Varon (1994; 1997)

Tim Vasen* (1988)

Andrew Volkoff (2005)

Moritz von Stuelpnagel (2005)

Lianne Walden (2013)

Patrick Walsh (2012)

Sarah Wansley (2015)

Paul Warner (1985; 2002)

Nicole A. Watson (2013)

Kenn Watt (2005)

Sophia Watt (2019)

Miriam Weiner (2002)

Em Weinstein (2014)

Timber Weise (1989)

Adrienne Weiss (1988)

Emma Rosa Went (2020)

Gabriel Vega Weissman (2017)

Kerry Whigham (2007)

Rhett Wickham (1990)

Alec Wild (2001)

Dawn Monique Williams (2011)

Dustin Wills (2015)

Christopher Windom (2012)

Eric Winick (1997)

Henry Wishcamper (2006)

Brandon Woolf (2015)

Sharifa Yazmeen (2019)

Marcus Young (1997)

Pirronne Yousefzadeh (2006)

Paul Zablocki (1997; 1998; 2000)

José Zayas (2006)

Allison Eve Zell (1994)


Next Stage Directors In Residence

Knud AdamsNylon (2018)

Mohammad AghebatiRooftop (2020)

Tara AhmadinejadHand Foot Fizzle Face (2015)

Zi AlikhanThe Grind (2015)

Nehprii Amenii – Human (2023)

Nell Bang-JensenNosejob (2019)

Jaki Bradley – Playing Hot (2016)

Anna BrennerWon’t Be A Ghost (2014)

Jeremy BloomThe Upper Room (2014)

Christopher BurrisBring The Beat Back (2017)

Shelley Butler – The Moth (2018)

Rachel ChavkinRoosevElvis (2013)

Jess ChayesIntelligence (2017)

Cosmin ChivuA Recluse and his Guest (2012)

Shayok Misha ChowduryBeast Thing (2019)

Matt DicksonEat The Walls (2021)

Rachel DicksteinThe World Is Round (2014)

Dimitar Dimitrov and Yordan Slaveykov The Spider (2013)

Catinca Draganescu – Raw Vegan (2016)

Leigh Fondakowski â€“ Casa Cushman (2018)

Amanda Friou – Return From Selma (2015)

Lyam B. Gabel – the dance floor, the hospital room, and the kitchen table (2021); Daddy (2023)

Michael Goldfried – The Indelible Mark on Edward Barron (2014)

Megan Hanley – Graceful Exit (2017)

Ellie Heyman â€“ Elevation 506 (2016), Home/Yuva (2017)

West Hyler – Georama (2015)

Brandon Ivie – Stupid Hope (2013)

Jesse Jou – One Hundred Hungry Ghosts (2014)

Lauren Keating – Fill Our Mouths (2013)

Jenny Larson – Casta (2017)

Larissa Lury – Untitled Mercury 13 Project (2020)

Kristin Marting – Assembled Identity (2017)

Kay Matschullat â€“ Aeneid (2016)

David Mendizábal – And She Would Stand Like This (2016)

Shira Milikowsky – Distant Star (2017)

Ashley Brooke MonroeAll Of Me (2019)

Arpita MukherjeeMaya (2021)

Daniel NelsonGive Back My Beast (2014)

Lily James OldsThis Is The Color Described By Time (2015)

Chantal PavageauxThe Dinner Party (2013)

Jeremy PickardEarth (a play about people) (2015)

Andreas RobertzFather God Mother Death (2017)

Travis Lee RussAmerica Is Hard To See (2017), The Gorgeous Nothings (2020)

Hannah RyanRiot Song (2019)

Jennifer SandellaEinstein’s Dreams (2015)

Madeline SayetHart Island Requiem (2019)

Noam ShapiroDear America (2022)

Danny SharronThis Way To The Fire (2021)

Caitlin SullivanGilded Girls (2017)

Colm Summers – Falls (2024)

Christopher and Justin SwaderThe Beetle (2014)

Sanaz B. TennentRed Wednesday (2013)

Dina Vovsi – The Blue Parts (2024)

Nicole A. WatsonWe Sat in the Death House (2015)

Whitney White – The Three Sisters (2018)

Brandon WoolfThe Summer Way (2017)

Pirronne Yousefzadeh – I Am Gordafarid (2016)

Impact Residencies (2017-2021)

Rachel Dickstein/Ripe Time Candidate X (2021)
Steven Sapp/UniversesAfricantic (2020)
Lily James Olds/Door 10Untitled Femme Maison Project (2019)
Michael Levinton/Little LordThe Peanut Butter Show (2018)
Kevin Doyle/Sponsored By Nobody – The AĐŻTS (2017)

First Stage/Rough Draft Residencies (2016-2019)

Adrian Alea – Dreaming in Cuban (2018)

Catherine Andre – Max Schiller’s Dead (2018)

Joe Barros – Only Us (2018)

Jake Beckhard – Chelseas (2017)

Jaclyn Biskup – Heedless Hungry Lovesick (2019)

Sophie Blumberg – Trixie The Giant (2017)

Jessica Bashline– Fresh (2017)

Daniella Caggiano – Brewsters (2018)

Katherine M. Carter – The Great Big Blue (2016)

Nathaniel P. Claridad – Endangered Species (2016), Untitled Filipino-American Project (2019)

Christie Marie Clark – L’appel du Vide (2016)

Tom Costello – My Brother’s Better At Love Than Me (2019)

Victoria Crutchfield, PE(T)ER

Pete Danelski – Every Hour (2019)

Melody Erfani – Jefferson’s Slave (2019)

Alisha Espinosa – Prisoner Tongues (2019)

Estefania Fadul – Rokera (2018)

Kareem Fahmy – The Triumphant (2017)

Wes Grantom – Angelo Solliman (2016)

Melinda HallPolicarpa (2017)

Sarah Hughes – The Light at The End of the Tunnel: An MTA Musical (2019)

West Hyler – Stella Nova (2017)

Brandon Ivie – Untitled Gun Control Play (2016)

Rachel Gita Karp – Packing and Cracking (2019)

Peter J. Kuo – Gay Chinese Gold Rush Play (2018

Alexandra Keegan – Tough (2017)

Katie Lupica – Diary of Lights: New York around 1955 (2016)

Ashley Marinaccio – Antigone at the Border (2019)

Cat Miller – Untitled Cara Immerwahar Play (2017)

Molly Beach Murphy – Galveston (2017)

Natalie NovachekMargaret (2017)

Tatiana Pandiani – The Poet and the King (2017)

Charles Quittner – The Pitchforks (2018)

Elinor Renfield – Borkhova (2017)

Dan Rogers – The Future Perfect (2017)

Marcus Scott – Cherry Bomb (2017)

Noam Shapiro – Quick, Change (2018)

Illana Stein – The White Rose (2018)

Rachel Sullivan/Maggie Keenan-Bolger – The Body! (2016)

Michelle Tattenbaum – Europa (2016), Ideas (2017)

Danya TaymorThe Nothing Hole (2017)

Alex TobeyBaal (2017)

Sam UnderwoodTragedy (2017)

Gabriel Vasquez – Such A Tragedy (2017)

Adin WalkerPin and the Blue Fairy (2017)

Sarah Wansley – Iphigenia (2018)

Douglas Waterbury-TiemanJohnny and the Devil’s Box (2017)

Hondo Weiss-Richmond – The Consensus Play (2016)

Emma Rosa Went – The Same Shirt Show Part 2: ‘Beckett Without Beckett’ (2019)’

Whitney WhiteGreat Hill Mouth (2017)

Gregg Wiggans – Discouraging Stories for Lonely People (2017)

Lauren Zeftel – Conversations With Eliza (2018), On Loss and Mice and Monsters and Love (2017)