Natasha Sinha black and white headshot

In Conversation with Natasha Sinha

Dramaturgs have long played a critical role in developing and examining new works of theater, but the job is often difficult to describe to those unfamiliar with the show development process. Natasha Sinha, producer, dramaturg, and now Playwrights Horizons’ Associate Artistic…

In Conversation with Wayne Brady

Wayne Brady is a household name, bringing joy and laughter into American homes for decades via television set in “Whose Line is it Anyway”, “The Wayne Brady Show”, “Let’s Make a Deal” and more. What many don’t know about the Emmy…

Direconomics, Pt 3

Directors at their core are creators, leaders, and storytellers, and often the stories they share with audiences bring great success, both artistically and financially. However, the path to financial independence as a director isn’t as clear as one might expect.…

Direconomics, Pt 2

Directors at their core are creators, leaders, and storytellers, and often the stories they share with audiences bring great success, both artistically and financially. However, the path to financial independence as a director isn’t as clear as one might expect.…